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Aligning Organizational Capacity



The board of a public agency acknowledged to be at a cross-roads recognized the need to modernize its operations but concluded that the organization did not have the capacity to continue their level of customer service while simultaneously transforming itself.



We conducted our diagnosis using our organizational model that looks at the relationship between the business of the agency and its organizational components. We also examined the extent of alignment among these components. Among other things, our analysis revealed that the structure and culture did not match and that some key processes needed streamlining. Throughout, we worked collaboratively with individual managers and staff; and also benefited from inputs from a number of working groups that we assigned specific tasks.


As a result of our interventions, the agency was transformed into an effective institution embracing attitudes towards customer service and quality that were markedly different from the past. It introduced a new function requiring hiring managers and staff with a new skills set and, more importantly, a new mind set. It altered its organizational arrangements and ways of working and learned the skill of aligning its capacity to enable achievement of its goals. It equipped itself to face its future confidently while retaining core values that have served it well for many years.

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