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How Well is Your Organization Doing?

We invite you to consider some or all of the questions that follow. Each cluster of five questions addresses one of the main service areas in which we support our clients. Given the complexity of these matters, this small number of questions is only intended to stimulate your thinking.

If you would like to discuss some of your answers, or to get a fuller picture in assessing possible areas that may need strengthening, we would welcome your call.

Is Your Organization Aligned with its Goals? [learn more]

  • Does your current strategic direction fully reflect significant changes in your business environment?
  • Is your strategic plan fully reflected in your operating plans?
  • Is your organizational culture in alignment with your strategy, structure, processes and leadership style?
  • Do you know what informal or covert features of your culture inhibit the effective achievement of goals?
  • Overall, do your organizational arrangements enable you to implement your plans effectively and efficiently?

Is Your Organization Equipped to Manage Change? [learn more]

  • Do all members of your leadership team know the most important learnings from your last organizational change?
  • Do you know what features of your culture aided or impeded that change?
  • When introducing organizational change, do you ensure that the case for it is communicated differently and compellingly at every level in your organization?
  • Are your managers clear on how to minimize your employees’ sense of losing control over their work lives in times of significant change?
  • Do your managers share a common approach to managing change that will empower them to do so effectively?

How Do You Select the Right People? [learn more]

  • When selecting senior executives, do you plan the content and process of your interviews? (e.g., from determining which issues are likely to help you differentiate among candidates to deciding when panel members should pose follow up questions)
  • Do you consider using a wide range of selection tools?
  • Do you create a selection strategy whereby you use the right tools for the right criteria?
  • Are selection panel interviewers trained and skilled to assess softer criteria, (e.g., interpersonal skills) that are critical to the job?
  • Do you assess for culture-fit as well as job-fit?

How Well Do You Develop Your Leaders & Teams? [learn more]

  • Is your top leadership team recognized as a major strategic advantage of your organization?
  • Can you readily identify what your top leadership team has learned to handle that it was not equipped to perform a year ago?
  • Do your leadership and management development activities reinforce your goals and culture?
  • Do you know your executives’ coaching needs?
  • Do you have any idea of the cost of ineffective meetings in your organization over the last year?

How Effective is Your Board of Directors? [learn more]

  • Are you satisfied with the way your Board spends its time (e.g. the balance devoted to strategic as opposed to operational or administrative issues)?
  • Does the Board have some practical tools (e.g., frameworks, models, guidelines) to aid its analytical and decision-making work?
  • Are there any tendencies towards having cliques or pairing between members to the detriment of the Board as a whole?
  • Does the Board help strengthen the CEO’s overall performance through the provision of constructive feedback — and vice versa?
  • Is the Board sufficiently independent from the CEO to maintain objective oversight?